Posted in Sketches

Sketch of Aishwarya

I was browsing through my sketches to post one here and realized, the last sketch I made was last August, almost a year back :O  . Time to take some pencils and sit down for some sketching this weekend 🙂 .. Till then, here is a sketch (or I should say attempt) made by me last May. Not exactly as beautiful as Aishwarya, but I guess it is close enough 🙂


Posted in Reflections, Sketches

Art of sketching

IMG_1533I am always fascinated about pencil sketches. I was not sure how to train myself for the same. Luckily found an online video on pencil sketching and started off with it immediately.

Initially I took printouts of the picture to be sketched, traced the outline and concentrated solely on the shading part. That was pretty tough too. To identify which part of the face had to be dark or light, creating the texture of the skin, the effect of light on the face, the shadows, trying to put life in the eyes and most importantly the hair, which I still need to work on.

Tried to take a step forward, I ditched the printouts and tracing. I am trying to create the outline looking at the photo itself, which I must say is very very very difficult. I realize we need lot of observation skills and sense of dimensions. The shape of the face, the expression, the size of the eyes, the distance between the eyes, the length of the nose, the lips, the location of each of these features on the face – believe me, it is so so difficult. I can now appreciate the skills of all the artists who can sketch people watching them live.

My first two attempts have been not so great!! Though the sketch came out well, it doesn’t completely resemble the object of interest. I need more and more practice to be able to create the perfect portrait, resembling the actual photo.

Then comes my next goal of being able to sketch a person directly. There is still a long way to go, but I will try to keep up and reach it 🙂

This blog is dedicated to all the wonderful artists out there who have the amazing skills of capturing beauty in their canvases.

Posted in Sketches

Indian Bride

After a hiatus, I have tried to squeeze in time for my next sketch.

Tried to portray the Indian Bride here. Her demure half closed eyes hold lots of dreams for future and love for her would-be.  An attempt to capture the delicate beauty in my sketch

Posted in Sketches

Kim Hyung Joong again :)

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Yeah!! Its Kin Hyung Joong again 🙂 … I just don’t seem to get over my craze over this Korean hunk!! I would have watched his drama “Playful Kiss” tons of tons of times till now and will always be ready to watch it again anytime 🙂 .

Felt that I dint do much justice to him in my last sketch (,  so here is another attempt and I guess am quite happy with this 🙂